Accessing PSID enclave

Anirudh Yadav 2020-02-07 1 minute read

To access the PSID secure enclave:

  1. Open the SRC Microsoft Remote Desktop shortcut in my downloads folder.
  2. Login with username: enclave\(\backslash\)ayadav0690.
  3. Login again.

The PSID data are stored in the P drive, and I have write/read access to the U drive (do not save anything to the Desktop/My Documents, etc.)

Linda said that they update program packages once a month – you just have to email PSID with the requested package/program.

Importing data to the enclave

Since the enclave is secure, any data files (e.g. Zillow house price data) need to be reviewed by the PSID team before they can be imported into the enclave. To import data:

  1. Using Cyberduck, connect to the host with the username isr\ayadav; the password should automatically fill-in when you enter the username (if not, contact PSID Help for the password…)
  2. Any data files to be imported can be “drag-and-dropped” into the PSID SFTP/ayadav directory.
  3. Email the Help Desk informing them of the new import request (with “Import” in the subject line). They will review the files and make them available in the enclave fairly quickly.